• Closure of Jaffa-Center Station for Passenger Traffic on Saturday Night, 15.3.2025, 15th of Adar 5785
  • Changes in Light Rail Service on Sunday, March 16, 2025
  • New Service Center at Hadassah Ein Kerem Station!
  • The Red Line is Expanding!
  • 25.02.2025 10:16 AM
    Updating public transportation rates in accordance with the price control order
  • 25.02.2025 10:00 AM
    Renewing for You!
  • Schedule Changes
  • New Validation Devices for You!
  • 08.01.2025 10:25 AM
    Important Annaouncement
  • 07.11.2024 5:30 PM
    Extension of operating hours at the service center
  • Payment in applications during GPS disruptions
  • Transportation Justice" reform"
  • Message for the public
  • 13.02.2024 10:00 AM
    Credit Transactions
  • 11.02.2024 5:00 PM
    Training Trips
  • 11.12.2023 9:00:12 AM
    Dear passengers!
  • General Information
To all updates


Validation duty


Validation obligations (payment) in Israel are determined according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Transportation and apply to all types of Rav Kav cards, applications and contracts. The passenger must validate the card/insert on every trip regardless of the profile that entitles them to a discount on the trip or free travel, including senior citizens aged 75 and over.

 The light rail is a means of transportation of the "open system" type that operates on the basis of trust, therefore in order to be able to have integrated public transportation between all the operators and give the passenger the right to move between the various means of transportation for 90 minutes from the date of the first validation, there is a need to validate the means of payment when moving between The means of transportation, including moving between the different cars.

The passenger must make sure he has a suitable travel card/enough money/app validation at the platform before boarding the train. A passenger who is found without a travel card or a card that is not legally valid will be charged an increased charge (fine).

Increased charge: full fare plus financial compensation of NIS 180. According to the ticket inspection law, the passenger must present and hand over the ticket to the railway official upon his request.

The travel ticket must be kept for inspection until after leaving the station area.

 A passenger who has activated the application must make sure that the phone is working when the train official asks to present a travel permit.



  • With respect to all enforcement matters, Cfir acts in compliance with State regulations and in compliance with the law, which stipulates the obligation to purchase and validate tickets/cards.
  • The Light Train is the first means of transportation in the country that is an "open system" founded on trust; The passenger is required to pay and validate the ticket/card independently without going through a checkpoint at a gate or at the driver's.
  • The directive to validate the tickets/cards is a systemic policy set by the Ministry of Transport in light of their intention to gradually implement more open systems in public transportation measures in Israel, both now and in the future.
  • The validation obligation has been set by the Ministry of Transport in order to allow the existence of a public transport service integrating all operators and to allow the passenger the right to switch between the various means of transport for 90 minutes as of the time of the first validation (using the multi-line (Rav-Kav) card only). Without validation on every journey in any means of transport, it will not be possible to maintain this system to the benefit of all passengers.
  • According to law and under the guidance of the Ministry of Transport and Road Safety, it is mandatory to have a suitable travel card in advance, to validate it in the validation device immediately and at every entrance to the train and to make sure that the validation is in order. A passenger who is found without a travel card/ticket or one that was not validated as required by law, shall pay an increased charge.
  • * Increased charge: Full travel price plus monetary compensation in the amount of 180 NIS according to law, During tickets inspection, the passenger is obliged to present and hand over the travel ticket to the train controller upon its request.
  • It is not possible to purchase a travel ticket/card on the train | The travel card/ticket should be kept for inspection until you leave the station area.

In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Transport, it is mandatory to validate any ticket/card, which is charge with any contract, on any ride on the Light Train immediately upon entry onto the train.
This also applies when switching between a bus and a train and between trains and also when a periodic or special contract is charged to it.

The validation obligation applies to all types of cards, from aggregate value contracts and punch cards to subscription cards such as monthly, student travel card and more.

The travel ticket/card, any ticket/card whatsoever, must be kept until after leaving the destination station for presentation to the train controllers.

  • The multi-line card should be validated regardless of the type of contract charged to the card, including when a periodic contract such as daily, monthly, semester, annual or “aggregate value” travel contract is charged.
  • The multi-line (Rav-Kav) card is validated by attaching it to the center of the validating device.
    When properly validated, a green light will appear on the validating device. In addition to the green light, there is also text that announces proper validation and a suitable sound is played.

Absolutely yes.
It is required to validate the multi-line (Rav-Kav) card, regardless of the type of contract charged on the card.
Also special contracts for a free travel such as voluntary service, pre-military course, national service, service year persons are required to validate the multi-line (Rav-Kav) card they have on each trip immediately upon boarding the train.

The multi-line (Rav-Kav) card should be validated regardless of the type of contract charged on the card, including when a periodic contract such as: Daily free, monthly, semester, annual or "Accumulated Value" travel contract is charged on it.

Only if you have started traveling as a group of several passengers on a bus using a single multi-line (Rav-Kav) card, you can continue on a Light Train ride with the same passengers and validate the same card for everyone, provided the validation took place from the same contract.

Validation at the start of a Light Train ride will only be possible for one passenger.

What is an increased charge?


An increased charge (fine) is given to a passenger who did not validate (pay) for the trip. The increased charge will also be given to passengers who have a special travel contract such as: free monthly, free travel or a 90-minute pass and did not validate their ticket upon entering the train or did not activate the station app before entering the train.

Increased charge (penalty): full travel price plus financial compensation of NIS 180 according to law. At ticket inspection, the passenger must present and hand over the ticket to the railway official upon request.

 The travel ticket must be kept for inspection until after leaving the station area.

A passenger who has activated the application must make sure that the phone is working when the train official asks to present a travel permit


Dear passenger,
Below we describe the implications of an increased charge payment demand.
An increased charge demand is issued to a light rail passenger who does not have a ticket / has an unvalidated ticket, or refuses to present or provide a ticket to the light rail supervisor.
The demand is for an amount of ILS 185.5.
The demand amount includes the travel fee together with ILS 180 statutory compensation.
You must pay the increased charge within 30 days from the day you received the payment demand via credit card or cash, through:
a.Our website www.metropark.co.il
b.Human call center *2779
c.Kfir service center - 97 Jaffa St., Clal Building, 17th floor, Jerusalem.

You may also appeal on the increased charge:
a.Through a form published on the website www.metropark.co.il
b.By personal delivery in the service center (in the above address) or by sending a registered mail to P.O.B 44465, Pisgat Ze’ev, 9144303.

If the increased charge is not paid within 30 days as noted above or an appeal was not filed, it will be added with interest and linkage differences according to the Interest and Linkage Adjudication Law 5721-1961 until its actual payment. Where an appeal at any level was filed following which there is no longer an option to appeal on the increased charge, it will be added with interest and linkage differences as of the date in which the debtor was delivered a decision on the appeal or court ruling, as the matter may be.
The delivery of this payment demand to you is considered delivery of warning prior to submitting the increased charge for collection in the Execution Office as per Section 81A1 of the Execution Law 5727-1967. The provisions of such law and the Execution Regulations 5740-1979 will apply to the increased charge collection process.
If an appeal is not submitted when due and a motion to collect the increased charge is submitted to the Execution Office as a fixed-sum claim under Section 81A1, Execution Law, you have the right to submit an objection to the collection motion; if you appealed against the payment demand you will not be submitted a collection motion in the Execution Office under the Execution Law, except in one of the following:
(a) the appeal was denied, an no second appeal was filed when due;
(b) a final decision in a second appeal or a final judgment was issued concerning the appealed decision.

A charge means an appeal against an increased charge (fine) is submitted to the charge committee within 30 days of receiving the increased charge, after which a charge (appeal) cannot be submitted.


The appeal (appeal) can be submitted in three ways:

clicking on the attached link: https://bit.ly/3NMptvq.

At the Cfir service center (Klal building, 97 Jaffa, 17th floor).

By registered mail delivery to T.D. 44465, Pisgat Zeev, 9144303.

In any of the ways, you can attach documents supporting the achievement (appeal).
center and pay by credit card only, phone *2779.

 If you do not have the increased billing number, you can find it through the call center *2779, or through public inquiries in the link.

If the increased charge is not paid on time, it may entail additional charges of interest, linkage and will eventually be collected through execution.

A charge means an appeal against an increased charge (fine) is submitted to the charge committee within 30 days of receiving the increased charge, after which a charge (appeal) cannot be submitted.


 The appeal (appeal) can be submitted in three ways:


 clicking on the attached link: https://bit.ly/3NMptvq.


At the Cfir service center (Klal building, 97 Jaffa, 17th floor).


 By registered mail delivery to T.D. 44465, Pisgat Zeev, 9144303. In any of the ways, you can attach documents supporting the achievement (appeal).



Failure to pay the increased charge on time may result in additional interest, linkage charges, etc.
An unpaid debt shall be collected by the Execution Office.

Advantages of the Light Train

An urban light train is a customary and widely used transportation measure in the world for mass transport, yet it is brand new in Israel.

Jerusalem, Israel’s capital and it’s largest city, became the first but no longer the only one city in the country to operate a Light Train.

About 170,000 passengers use the Light Train every day, and about 40 million trips take place within a year.

Each train contains about 500 passengers, equivalent to 10 buses. This large passenger capacity is made possible by the fact that most of the train's internal area is intended for standing passengers.
This concept is based on the concept of relatively short urban travel. 56 fixed seats have been allocated for seating, with priority for senior citizens.

Yes, and this is one of the train's advantages.
The Light Train in Jerusalem is the first public transportation system in Israel that operates with preference and priority at traffic lights, which allows smooth and punctual travel at a predetermined schedule.

The Light Train stations are furnished with electronic information monitors that provide real-time updates of the Light Train’s arrival times.
 Useful electronic information is also available inside the train cars and is presented in three languages.

Thanks to the Light Train, the traffic load on the city roads was reduced and the quality of life and the environment improved significantly.
The train’s engines are silent and its travel does not create an environmental noise nuisance.
As a result of the operation of the Light Train, the level of air pollution on Jaffa Street decreased by about 70 percent. If in the past Jaffa Street was crowded with cars and polluted with exhaust fumes, ever since the emergence of the Light Train, the street has become a modern, quiet, flourishing and lively city center.
In fact, as part of the vision to revive the city's center, the first line was designed to provide convenient and accessible access to the renewed and evolving city center.
Jaffa Street, which is the main axis, has transformed into a beautiful, quiet pedestrian street, allowing passage for pedestrians and the Light Train only.

The Light Train line project has led to real estate and business prosperity and expansion in the city, to the growth of cultural and entertainment centers and to the accessibility of residents of large neighborhoods such as Pisgat Ze'ev, Bait Vagan, Beit Hakerem, Beit Hanina, Shuafat, French Hill and others, to the city center.
The full accessibility along the line has breathed life into businesses and entertainment establishments in the areas to which the Light Train reaches, allowing passengers to get to their destination comfortably, quickly and with ease.

Of course. This is one of the things we're most proud of!
The prominent advantage of the Light Train is its full accessibility also for passengers with various disabilities.
To help and assist passengers with disabilities, the Light Train was designed in consultation with accessibility experts in order to facilitate the travel experience of the general public traveling the train.

The Light Train allows, for the first time in Israel, full accessibility for everyone; The platforms level are precisely adapted to the floor of the train cars, so entry to and exit from the train cars is easy, convenient and fast, in a way that allows smooth transition for wheelchair users, as well as for parents with prams.
The Light Train cars and stations were equipped with visual and audio aids for the hearing and visually impaired and all the information is provided in three languages.

Travel cards

Please note! In the new ticketing machines, it will not be possible to purchase paper tickets.
Therefore, the next coming weeks it will not be possible to use paper cards.


Multi-line (Rav-Kav) cards can be charged at the vending machines at stations, at Cfir's Service Center, with the bus drivers, or on the "Rav-Kav Online" website.
Please note: in order to travel on the Light Train, you must buy a travel ticket/card in advance. It is not possible to purchase a ticket/card on the train itself.

By law and in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Transport, each ticket/card must be validated for every Light Train ride as soon as you board the train.

A paper ticket for a single ride on the Light Train allows only one ride on the train without the transit rides by train or bus and does not provide any discount given to those eligible (youth, student, senior citizen, etc.).
Attention! The use of a single-use paper travel ticket, allowing a single trip without switching between cars, trains and buses, is now valid for the day of purchase only.
Passengers using a single paper travel ticket are required to validate the ticket immediately upon boarding the train, ensure that the date and time of validation is printed on the back of the ticket and keep it until after leaving the destination station to display it to the train controllers.
A single-travel paper ticket purchased on a bus is not valid for the train ride.

Please note! In the new ticketing machines, it will not be possible to purchase paper tickets. Therefore, the next coming weeks it will not be possible to use paper cards.

The multi-line (Rav-Kav) card must be pre-charged at the vending machines located at each of the Light Train platforms, at Cfir's Service Center, with the bus drivers, or at the “Rav-Kav online" website.

All types of tickets to the Light Train which are charged to the multi-line (Rav-Kav) card enable free ride on the Light Trains and buses in Jerusalem for 90 minutes from the time of the first validation. Every time you board the train, you must validate the card immediately upon entering the train - both when transferring from a bus to the train and when switching between trains, including when a periodic or special contract is charged on the card.

One can also ride the Light Train using the national "Aggregate Value" travel arrangement.
This arrangement is used both for trips that started on the bus and continued on the Light Train and for trips that start with the Light Train.
. The national travel arrangement "aggregate value" can be charged on the multi-line (Rav-Kav) card at the Light Train stations and at Cfir's Customer Service Center, or on the “Rav-Kav Online” website.
The discounts given when charging an aggregate value contract are the same as the discount rates given on the purchase of travel cards and depend on the profile updated on the multi-line (Rav-Kav) card.

According to the Ministry of Transport's procedures, obtaining discounts on the purchase of travel tickets for the Light Train is only possible through a personal multi-line (Rav-Kav) card issued with the appropriate discount "profile”.
To receive the discount profiles on the multi-line (Rav-Kav) card issued, the passenger must arrive at Cfir's Service Center (or of any other transportation operator) with an identity card and the relevant documents - student ID, Social Security certificates, etc. depending on the type of profile requested.

Soldiers in voluntary service, trainees of a pre-military preparatory school, trainees of a semi-military pre-military preparatory school, national service volunteer, service year volunteer - are entitled to free travel but required to validate the multi-line (Rav-Kav) card upon entering the Light Train.
For updating the profile, access to the company where the multi-line (Rav-Kav) ticket was issued, change to the appropriate profile and charge the card with the Special Travel Contract.
Those eligible under this section, who do not have a multi-line (Rav-Kav) card, may go to Cfir’s Service Center or to any of the public transportation operators, issue a multi-line (Rav-Kav) card free of charge and charge the special travel contract.

For the avoidance of doubt: Voluntary service, pre-military course, national service, service year persons are required to validate the multi-line (Rav-Kav) card they have on each trip immediately upon boarding the train.

The Monthly Pass Contract can be loaded each day of the month, and it is valid for a month as of the day it was purchased.

One child up to the age of 5 traveling with a paying passenger - is exempt from payment. For each additional child, a travel ticket must be purchased before boarding the train.

Accumulated value

Accumulated value is an amount of money that is loaded on the Rav Kav card and is used for individual trips on all public transportation in Israel. In this arrangement, discounts are given according to the profile of the passenger (national insurance claimants, people with disabilities, senior citizens, students and children and youth), also in this arrangement a 90-minute transfer between the various means of transportation within a range of 15 km is given.



The Train Route

The Red Line of the Light Train in Jerusalem, the first in Israel, passes through the heart of the city and connects its neighborhoods to its center.
The length of the existing Light Train line is 13.8 km and it connects parts of the capital of Israel and makes traveling in it accessible to all populations in the city.

The Light Train line begins at the Herzl Mountain station near the Bait Vagan neighborhood, the National Cemetery and the Yad Vashem Museum.
From there, it continues on Herzl Boulevard and ascends the Strings Bridge that stretches over the main entrance to the city, which was built specifically for the purpose of the Train’s crossing above the street level and the many transportation routes.
From the bridge, the line descends to Jaffa Street and passes through the Central Station and the colorful Mahane Yehuda market.
From there, it continues on the beautiful Jaffa pedestrian mall, which was built to accommodate the Light Train as well the many pedestrians in the city's vibrant center, and reaches the City Hall station next to Safra Square, where you can get to the Old City and the Mamilla Plaza.
From the City Hall, the line continues through Tzahal Square to the Nablus Gate, to the hotels areas on municipal Road #1, to the Ammunition Hill and the French Hill intersection.
The line enters the Shuafat and Beit Hanina neighborhoods and from there, continues to Pisgat Ze'ev.
The end of the line is located near the Air Force Street at Pisgat Ze'ev just before Neve Ya'akov.

The Light Train is a primary means of transportation that passes through the heart of the city and connects its different areas.
The train integrates with the other means of transportation in the city that operate in conjunction with the Light Train's schedule.
To allow easy and convenient passage between the train and the buses, passengers are offered a variety of joined travel cards suitable for each passenger's specific travel requirements and the bus stops are close to the Light Train stations.

Private cars’ drivers are advised to park their car in one of the "Park & Go" parking lots on Mount Herzl, Ammunition Hill, Pisgat Ze'ev or the Scopus parking lot next to the Giv'at Ha-Mivtar station and continue their journey of the city enjoying maximum comfort on board the Light Train.
The parking lots are not under the responsibility or management of Cfir but are owned by the Municipality of Jerusalem and operated by a company on its behalf.

Depending, of course, where you are coming from and where you want to go. In general, the entire route from one end of the line to the other end takes an average of about 45 minutes.
from the end of the line to the center of the city is about 10 to 20 minutes.

Multi-line (Rav-Kav) travel cards

By law and in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Transport, it is mandatory to validate any ticket/card, which is charged with any contract, on each ride on the Light Train immediately upon boarding the train.
This also applies when switching between a bus and a train and between trains and also when a periodic or special contract is charged to it.
The multi-line card (Rav-Kav) is a “smart” public transportation electronic card, which serves as a replacement for the various paper tickets and aims to facilitate payment during traveling.
The card allows travel with all public transportation operators in Israel and allows for a free transition between most means of transportation.
On the multi-line card (Rav-Kav) you can charge various contracts such as: monthly, weekly, and daily contracts, punch cards or 'aggregate value' cards.

The multi-line travel card (Rav-Kav) has apparent advantages - it is convenient, suitable for any pocket and wallet, one can recharge it and enjoy the discounts that the passenger is entitled to by law.
In addition, the multi-line (Rav-Kav) card eliminates the need to stock up on cash on each trip.

The multi-line (Rav-Kav) card can be issued at Cfir's Service Center, at all public transportation operators, or at the Ministry of Transport's "on the line" stations.
At the time of the issue, you must have an identity card, passport or driver's license and the relevant documents that indicate on eligibility for a profile that provides a special discount.

Children under the age of 16 will be accompanied by their parents and shall present their parents' I.D. with the personal details slip.

Please note! for your convenience In the new ticketing machines you can purchase an anonymous Rav-Kav card for a onetime payment of 5 NIS. With an option of loading in a travel contract: single trip / daily pass / stored value.

The multi-line (Rav-Kav) travel card can be charged at the vending machines located in each of the Light Train platforms, at Cfir's Service Center , at the Ministry of Transport's "on the line " service centers and at the “Rav-Kav online" website“.

Please note that the "aggregate value" travel arrangement can be purchased at the Ministry of Transport Service Centers "on the Line" and on the website Rav-Kav” online.
" As of July 16, 2019, this arrangement can be purchased at the vending machines at the Light Train platforms or at Cfir's Service Center.

What is a travel contract?

A travel contract is a payment arrangement that is paid in advance according to km. You can buy a travel contract for a single trip, daily free or monthly free. In addition, you can add to the different contracts the use of Israel Railways for different distances. You must choose the contract that corresponds to the planned travel distance (up to 15 km) m or over 15 km), urban trips in Jerusalem are all up to 15 km by bus and light rail, if you are interested in more detailed information, go to the website of the Ministry of Transportation at the link: https://pti.org.il/derekh-shava/.

Travel arrangements suitable for Jerusalem and the region are: Single trip: 6 NIS, free daily up to 15 km 13 NIS including Israel Railways 19 NIS (free trips during the day by validating the card/app on each trip). Monthly free from 15 km to 225 km 236 NIS, including Israel Railways 267 NIS (free trips during the day by validating the card/app on each trip).

Senior citizen up to 75/children and youth/disabled/eligible for social insurance/extended student - 50% of citizens aged 75 and over are allowed to travel on all types of public transportation throughout the country for free. Travel is conditional on validating a personal Rav Kav card or the mobile app. Calculator to check the price: https://pti.org.il/derekh-shava/

Users of the transportation app please note - there is no need to select a travel contract. On the billing day, the application will perfect the best arrangement for the trips that were valid in the past month.


Customer Service

Good thing you asked! We would love to serve you in one of the following ways:

Cfir’s staffed Customer Service Center is located at  97 Jaffa, Clal Center Jerusalem , 17th floor.

Cfir's Call Center can be reached at *2779.

The Department of Public Inquiries on the Customer Service page.

Fax Delivery to the number 15325453055

Mail delivery to Cfir Ltd. - Jerusalem Light Train, Anatot Rd., Light Train Center Depo P.O.B. 44465 Jerusalem 9144101.

We can also be contacted by the official Facebook page of Cfir - Light Train in Jerusalem.

To call Cfir's Call Center - dial *2779

Call Center working hours: Sundays - Thursdays: 20:00 - 7:00, Fridays and holiday eves: 13:00 - 7:00 and at the end of Shabbat / holiday: about an hour after the end of Shabbat / holiday until 23:00.

The Call Center service includes a voice answering system and a team of skilled service representatives who can provide you with detailed information and service on a variety of topics such as the route of the line, stations' location, fares, schedules, points for purchasing and issuing tickets/cards, real-time updates and more.

Cfir's Light Train Service Center in Jerusalem is innovative, spacious and accessible. It is located at Cinema City Jerusalem, 10 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd., Jerusalem, on the commercial floor. Call Center representatives will be happy to help and provide solutions in the following areas, amongst others:

  • Detailed information on the line's route, operating hours, schedules and more
  • Information on travel fares and discounts for those eligible
  • Buying tickets for travelling the Light Train
  • Issuing multi-line (Rav-Kav) travel cards and updating profiles on the card
  • Faulty card handling and card renewal in the event of loss or theft
  • Handling lost and found
  • Submitting an objection to an increased charge
  • Payment of an increased charge

The Service Center address: Cinema City Jerusalem, 10 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd., Jerusalem, on the commercial floor.

The Service Center is accessible to passengers with disabilities who are eligible for receiving service without waiting in line.

Working hours of the staffed Service Center: Sunday-Thursday 09:00-19:00 , Fridays and Holiday Eves: 09:00-13:00.

You can fill out the details about the lost/found object on this page or contact Cfir’s Service Center.

Touring Touts

Cfir Light Train in Jerusalem invites you to tour Jerusalem through the Light Train and enjoy everything the city has to offer.
To select a route, we recommended you go to the "Travel Planning" Page.

It is best to park your car in one of the "Park & Go" parking lots on Mount Herzl, Nahal Stofim in Givat Ha Mivtar or Pisgat Ze'ev and continue your tour of the city enjoying maximum comfort on the Light Train.
We invite you to go to the page "Travel Planning" and pick one of the city's recommended tours.

The Light Train passes through central areas of Jerusalem; The Light Train line begins at the Herzl Mountain station near the Bait Vagan neighborhood, the National Cemetery and the Yad Vashem Museum.
 From there, it continues on Herzl Boulevard and ascends the Strings Bridge that stretches over the main entrance to the city, which was built specifically for the purpose of the Train’s crossing above the street level and the many transportation routes.
From the bridge, the line descends to Jaffa Street and passes through the Central Station and the colorful Mahane Yehuda market.
From there, it continues on the beautiful Jaffa pedestrian mall, which was built to accommodate the Light Train as well the many pedestrians in the city's vibrant center, and reaches the City Hall station next to Safra Square, where you can get to the Old City and the Mamilla Plaza.
From the City Hall, the line continues through Tzahal Square to the Nablus Gate, to the hotels areas on municipal Road 1, to the Ammunition Hill and the French Hill intersection. The line enters the Shuafat and Beit Hanina neighborhoods and from there, continues to Pisgat Ze'ev.
The end of the line is located near Air Force Street at Pisgat Ze'ev just before Neve Ya'akov.