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Automatic Ticket Stations

The multi-line card (Rav-Kav) should be pre-charged at the automated machines located in each of the Light Train platforms, at Cfir’s Service Center, at the “On the Line” service of the Ministry of Transport and at the “Rav-Kav Online” website.

Cfir the light rail in Jerusalem places first for continuous improvement of the service for light rail users.
These days, the Automated ticketing machines are being gradually replaced.
The Automated ticketing machines placed at the light rail platforms with a New and advanced ticketing machines, with advanced touch screens that are easy to operate, emphasizing a friendly and accessible user interface.
For your convenience, we have placed in each of the light rail stations 2-5 Automatic ticketing machines. Located at least one on each platform. In these machines you can purchase an anonymous Rav-Kav card as well as load the Rav-Kav card you have, a possibility of checking balances and receiving a report of recent actions on the Rav-Kav card.
Purchasing and loading the tickets in the machine is possible both with credit cards and with cash payment in bills or coins.
Please note that there are machines that only work with a credit card alongside machines that also work with cash.

For your information:
•There is no minimum limit on credit card purchases.
•Cash payment is limited to up to 25 coins in one transaction.
•The machine returns an excess up to 30 NIS per transaction.
•The types of bills that can be used in the machine appear at the bottom of the payment screen. It is not possible to insert bills that exceed 30 NIS per transaction.

All types of tickets loaded onto the Rav-Kav card allow free travel on the light rail and buses in Jerusalem for 90 minutes from the time of first validation.
For each trip, the ticket must be validated as soon as you enter the train - even while in transit. From bus to train and also while moving between trains, including when loaded on the card periodic or special contract.
Also, when validating using a mobile application, the validation must be done at the station before entering the light rail.

Please note! In the new ticketing machines, it will not be possible to purchase paper tickets. Therefore, the next coming weeks it will not be possible to use paper cards. If you don't have a Rav-Kav card or you do not use the mobile application, for your convenience you can purchase an anonymous Rav-Kav card for a onetime payment of 5 NIS. With an option of loading in a travel contract: single trip / daily pass / stored value.


Read the complete user guide about Automatic Ticket Stations